Increase the Value of Your Small Real Estate Brokerage

Today, there is strong demand for the acquisition of small real estate brokerage companies in California if they meet certain criteria. If you own a small real estate brokerage company in California and are considering the sale of it in the near future, please see the following five ways you can make it more valuable before you sell it:

1. Diversify your revenue by offering property management services, leasing services, and brokerage services that include the sale of apartment buildings, commercial properties, and land. This will increase and diversify your revenue while reducing risk.

2. Establish recurring revenue streams. This can be most easily accomplished by offering property management and leasing services.

3. Make certain your accounting records are accurate and in good order to facilitate the due diligence process that potential buyers must complete.

4. Establish revenue sharing and other programs designed to retain your most productive real estate agents long term. Buyers will want your agents to remain with the company.

5. Start a homeowner association management division. HOA management is the most stable form of property management. It creates a reliable, diversified stream of income.


Start an HOA Management Company in California

Sell your Residential Real Estate Brokerage Company in California

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If you are considering the sale or merger of your real estate brokerage firm, please contact, Michael Chulak. All discussions will be strictly confidential.
Office: 818-991-5200
Direct: 818-991-9019