Typical Probate Timeline in California

Prepare and File Petition for Probate1-2 months
Hearing on Petition for Probate2-3 months
Issue Letters of Administration, Orders for Probate, and Duties/Liabilities2-3 months
Issue Bond (if ordered)2-3 months
Notice to Creditors2-4 month
Notice to Department of Health Services Inventory and Appraisement4-8 months
Pay State and Federal Taxes (if necessary6-12 months
Allow or Reject Creditor Claims6-12 months
Possible Preliminary Distributions6-12 months
Notice to Department of Health Services (if deceased received medical)6-12 months
Notice to Franchise Tax Board (if heir is out of state)6-12 months
Claim of Exemption (if assets are transfer to a minor6-15 months
Receive Final Tax Letter from State and Federal Government (if appropriate).6-18 months
File Petition for Final Distribution and Accounting 8-16 months8-16 months
Hearing on Petition for Final Distribution and Accounting8-16 months
Order Approving Final Distribution and Accounting8-16 months
Distribution of Assets to Heirs9-17 months
Final Discharge Order9-18 months
Final Distribution of Funds9-18 months

Office: 818-991-5200
Direct: 818-991-9019