Corporate and Personal Branding

Corporate branding is the practice of promoting the brand name and brand awareness of a business instead of the specific products and/or services. Corporate branding should include all advertising, including websites, signage, promotional materials, colors, slogans, packaging, letterhead, envelopes, font styles, and more.

A brand is a product, identity, or image that generates awareness and separates a person or business from others.

Brand loyalty consists of repeat or continuing purchases of a particular brand based in the consumer's perception of higher quality and better service than what any competition offers. Brand loyalty is not dependent on price. The most important condition to achieve brand loyalty is quality. Without quality, brand loyalty would not exist.

Brand loyalty is almost always the result of exceptional, consistent service.

A branding agency is a company that specializes in creating brands for their clients. Branding agencies help businesses gain a competitive advantage over their competitors.

Personal branding is the effort to create and influence the public's perception of an individual by positioning him or her as an authority in their profession or industry, elevating their profession or industry, elevating their credibility, and differentiating them from the competition. The goal is to advance their career, widen their circle of influence, and make them more successful.



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